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Faculty Resources

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1.  What are electronic reserves?

Electronic faculty reserves provide online access to library materials placed on reserve by professors for students enrolled in their courses. Delaware State University Library uses LibGuides Electronic Reserves (ERes), a powerful system designed specifically for electronic reserves in academic libraries, to provide round-the-clock access service.  

2.  What are the advantages?    

  • Electronic reserves are available online to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even when the library is closed.
  • Instructors can comply with copyright law by limiting access to reserve materials to students in their courses.
  • A single electronic copy is all that is needed for an entire class, no matter how large the class. 
  • e-Books from DSU Library's EBSCOHost eBooks, Credo Reference, Encyclopedia of Social Work, Sage eReference, eBook Central or Springer eBook collections can be linked to directly
  • Database articles found in DSU Library's online databases can be linked to directly

3.  What about Scanning? 

  • To scan articles successfully, a clean or original copy with no staples must be provided.
  • The library is not responsible for smears or blurred copies.
  • Large documents will be separated into smaller files.   

4.  Who can participate?

Any instructor teaching a course at any Delaware State University campus can participate.

5.  How do I get started?

Request an account for electronic reserves by emailing for more information.   


Updated Aug2021