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Marketing Knowledge Base

How to Access Databases with Marketing Content?

Students, faculty and staff with valid ID cards:

Step 1 To access Jason Library electronic resources you will need your DSU ID card.

Step 2 Input your 14 digit library number in the login box.

Please contact Circulation @ 302.857.6191 if your library card number does not work.  Due to vendor licensing agreements,  access is restricted to Delaware State University students, faculty and staff.

Types of Information (Scholarly, News, General Interest, Popular and Trade)

Scholarly Articles

Non Scholarly Articles Trade Publications
•Scholarly articles are written by professionals in the field.
•Authors are subject matter experts
•Information and data has been researched and reviewed
•Non Scholarly articles are written in popular magazines.
•Information is not


•Articles are often biased and based on opinions
•Trade publications cover business trends, new products, organizational news or new techniques.
•Written by staff or contributing authors


Primary Sources Secondary Sources

Primary Sources are original documents or records of events described by someone who participated or witnessed the events.  For  example: government census, historical documents, statistical data, or manuscripts.

Secondary Sources are works that have been analyzed, an interpretation or review of the original work. For example: reviews, monographs, handbooks or literary criticisms.