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Special Education

This research guide is intended to assist the Education students, faculty and other users that are doing research in Special Education.

Citation Style Guides

These are some popular online resources for creating your bibliography (or references) and formatting your citations. Be sure you know which citation style your professor requires!

Writing Studio & Tutoring 

It is recommended that you use the Writing Studio in Room 205 on the second floor of the library before you submit your paper. Their hours are on display outside of the center and on Blackboard under the “Academic Support: Tutorial Services” Community. For more information on tutoring programs, email or follow DSU_IASS on Instagram. 

Some of our databases have a citation link that will cite the article for you. Keep in mind that they may be wrong, so check to make sure it is correct.


Citation Guides in Print

There are many styles used to cite sources used to support your research.  Most academic institutions have standardized requirements for their students.  Some of the most widely used styles of citation are:

  • A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate L. Turabian. Ref. LB2369.T8 2007
  • APA Manual (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Publication). Ref. BF76.7.P83 2010
  • Citing Cyberspace: A Quick-Reference Guide to Citing Electronic Sources in MLA and APA Styles by James D. Lester Ref. LB2369.L47 2000
  • The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism (electronic resource) by Colin Neville.  PN171.F56 N48 2007eb
  • MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers by Joseph Gibaldi.  Ref. LB2369.G53 1999
  • Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide by James D. Lester.  Ref. LB2369.L4 1999