On the library homepage, navigate to the ‘DSU ONLINE CATALOG.’ This catalog can be used to find items in print available at the WCJ library on campus. Use General Keyword searching to find resources about your topic.
Check the Location, Collection, Call No. (#), and Status to see where the item is and whether it’s available to you for check-out.
Location: This tells you if the item is in the W. C. Jason Library or a different building (eg. Nursing Student Resources Center in Price or C.E.Phillips Herbarium for botany.)
Collection: Item in the General Collection are on the 3rd, 4th*, and 5th floors. (*Music is mostly on the 4th!) Items with collection designation African American Collection or Education Collection are found on the first floor of the library near the Reference Collection. Unlike Reference, items in the African American Collection and the Education Collection *can* be checked out.
Call No.: The Call No. (Number) will give you the exact location of the book. Books are shelved with other books that are about the same topic.
Eg. M = Music
ML = Literature about music
ML 162-197 = Literature about music history by period
The 'M' call numbers can be found on the 4th floor of the W.C. Jason Library.
All circulating items can be checked out for 3 weeks (21 days). If you need it longer, you may renew the item.
If you know very little about your topic, begin your search in the Reference Collection on the first floor of the William C. Jason Library. Reference tools can point you in the direction that you want to go. Reference materials introduce new concepts to you, and can help you refine your research efforts.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. Stanley Sadie, 2nd edition.
REF ML 100 .N48 2001 Possibly the single most valuable title in the reference department, this multi volume tool has had a distinguished history in terms of its recognized quality. The largest single expansion to this edition has been the coverage of 20th century composers.
The Oxford Dictionary of Music, Kennedy, Michael, 2nd edition.
REF ML 100 .K35 1994 This one volume reference work contains entries for definitions of musical terms, biographical data on composers and performers, information on musical compositions and instruments.
The Encyclopedia of the Musical Theatre, Ganzl, Kurt.
REF ML 102 .M88 G3 1994 This is a comprehensive encyclopedia by a recognized expert on musical theatre with some 2,700 entries alphabetically arranged. It treats all aspects of the musical theatre from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day.
International Dictionary of Black Composers, Center for Black Music Research.
REF ML 105 .I5 1999 This two volume reference tool contains biographical sketches, works lists, bibliographies, discographies, and critical essays about composers of African heritage who reside in locations around the world.