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Purpose: (1) Become knowledgeable in Chemical information sources (2) Become an efficient user of both physical and digital libraries for searching chemical information (3) Become effective in the communication of chemical information

Google Scholar at William C. Jason Library

What is Google Scholar?

Google Scholar is a Web Search that enables researchers to search particularly for scholarly literature, including papers, theses, books, and reports

Why use Google Preferences?

Google Scholar will search for articles accessible to DSU.  Look for the Full Text @ JasonLibrary link. The Library provides access to many journal articles indexed in Google Scholar

What should I do if the full text is not available?

Do not pay for any articles. The Library also provide access to materials not owned by or available at William C. Jason through Interlibrary Loan

How reliable is Google Scholar?

All search results are not “scholarly.” It is important to review and evaluate the information for its accuracy and relevancy to your research

If you are off campus you will need to set the preferences so that Google will show you the resources that William C. Jason Library provides.
2.  Select the Options Icon
3.  Click Settings from the top menu
4.  Click on Library Links from the navbar along the side of the page
5.  Enter Jason Library in the text field next to Library Links then click on the Search button
6.  Check the box in the front of our university name
7.  Check the box in the front of our university name, then click Save in the lower right corner