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African American History: Books

A guide for African American Studies, focus in general history

Using Library Catalogs

William C. Jason Library has access to two catalogs: 1) Our Jason Library catalog, which allows users to search for all the items contained only in Delaware State University's library system. 2) Worldcat, which allows users to view item records from libraries worldwide. Items owned by other institutions other than Delaware State University may be ordered via Interlibrary loan.

To perform a basic search in the William C. Jason Library catalog,

  1. Click the Search tab.

  1. Choose the search index you want to use from the Search drop-down menu.

  2. Enter the search term that you want to use in the Search field.

To perform a search in Worldcat, simply type a search term in the box provided and click 'Enter'.


Search William C. Jason Library and Beyond.... (BetaTest)

General History

Some recommended history books that you can find at the William C. Jason Library

Finding Books

For more information on reading call numbers, go to the Guide to reading LC call numbers

For information on how to use a call number to determine where an item is shelved in William C. Jason Library, go to the Collection Directory