The first step of conducting research is to define your topic. What sort of information do you want to present to your readers? It's best to choose a topic you have an interest in if one was not assigned to you by your instructor. It's also perfectly acceptable to change research topics.
Search Process:
The more you read about your topic, the more potential search terms you will encounter! Write down technical or industry terms related for your topic and keep an eye out for synonyms for your original search terms.
If you are working on a topic you don't know anything about, you can give yourself a bit of background information using encyclopedia entries. You will not be able to cite them in your paper, but encyclopedias will give you the important people, places, concepts, events and dates related to your topic. They can also spell out facets of a topic that you can use to narrow your focus if your topic is too broad. Print encyclopedias are available on the first floor of the library. The library also provides reference databases full of encyclopedia entries in the links below.
Remember that research takes time. Searching for sources involves experimenting a lot with your search terms, and what works for one database may not work for another database.
Leave yourself some breathing room so that you have enough time to gather the best sources you can.