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Rosetta Stone Language Lab: Instructions and Roles

This guide will provide you information about our Rosetta Stone Language Lab.

Circulation Role

Circulation Role

The library staff member working the Circulation Desk will be responsible for:

  1. Providing the library patron with the Logitech USB headsets microphones. 
  2. Emphasize the acceptable use policy.
  3. Direct the patron to the correct language station.
  4. Briefly explain to them where to plug in their headsets, how to clean the headsets, and how to log into Rosetta Stone.
  5. Register valid DSU library patrons who are not included in the Rosetta Stone database

Technology Role

Technology Role

The technology staff member will be responsible for:

  1. Resolving technical issues.
  2. Add library patrons to the Rosetta Stone Language learning database within 1 week from the day a circulation staff member enrolled the patron.
  3. Maintain the Rosetta Stone system.
  4. Provides usage reports.
  5. Provides training to the circualtion staff.
  6. Coordinate Rosetta Stone system or policy changes with the circulation staff.

Rosetta Stone Workflow Guide

The guide below provides information on how to register a patron for Rosetta Stone.

How to Register

How to Register Library Patrons (Individuals not in the System):

Efforts have been made to register all library patrons with a valid DSU ID card in the Rosetta Stone language learning series from the rosters provided to us by Information Technology. 


To register a library patron you will need:

  1. The D Number (without the letter D) off the patron's DSU ID card
  2. Their First and Last name as it appears on their DSU ID card
  3. Their Email address

When you are ready to register a library patron:

  1. Complete the Resgistration form on the right side of the screen
  2. Please enter patron's information as it appears on their DSU ID card
  3. Click the Submit button to process the registration

Reminder: Please inform the patron, that it takes 1 week before access in granted to the Rosetta Stone program. 

Note: Patrons will automatically be enrolled for all the language programs we have during the registration process.