Q - Science | |
QA - Mathematics | |
QB - Astronomy | |
QC - Physics | |
QD - Chemistry | |
QE - Geology | |
QH - Natural history, Biology | |
QK - Botany | |
QL - Zoology | |
QM - Human anatomy | |
QP - Physiology | |
QR - Microbiology | |
R - Medicine | |
RA - Public aspects of medicine | |
RB - Pathology | |
RC - Internal medicine | |
RD - Surgery | |
RE - Ophthalmology | |
RF - Otorhinolorayngology | |
RG - Gynecology and obstetrics | |
RJ - Pediatrics | |
RK - Dentistry | |
RL - Dermatology | |
RM - Therapeutics, Pharmacology | |
RS - Pharmacy | |
RT - Nursing | |
RV - Botanic, Thomsonian, and eclectic medicine | |
RX - Homeopathy | |
RZ - Other systems of medicine | |
S - Agriculture | |
SB - Plant culture | |
SD - Forestry | |
SF - Animal culture | |
SH - Aquaculture, Fisheries, Angling | |
SK - Hunting sports | |
T - Technology | |
TA - Engineering (General). Civil engineering | |
TC - Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering | |
TD - Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering | |
TE - Highway engineering. Roads and pavements | |
TF - Railroad engineering and operation | |
TG - Bridge engineering | |
TH - Building construction | |
TJ - Mechanical engineering and machinery | |
TK - Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering | |
TL - Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics | |
TN - Mining engineering. Metallurgy | |
TP - Chemical technology | |
TR - Photography | |
TS - Manufactures | |
TT - Handicrafts. Arts and crafts | |
TX - Home economics | |
U - Military Science | |
UA - Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation | |
UB - Military administration | |
UC - Maintenance and transportation | |
UD - Infantry | |
UE - Cavalry. Armor | |
UF - Artillery | |
UG - Military engineering. Air forces | |
UH - Other services | |
V - Naval Science | |
VA - Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation | |
VB - Naval administration | |
VC - Naval maintenance | |
VD - Naval seamen | |
VE - Marines | |
VF - Naval ordnance | |
VG - Minor services of navies | |
VK - Navigation. Merchant marine | |
VM - Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering | |
Z - Books (General). Writing. Paleography. Book industries and trade. Libraries. Bibliography | |
ZA - Information resources (General) |